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Pratt - Andrews House

1540 High St


Architectural Style




Use Type

Single Family Dwelling House


Massachusetts Historical Commission Report

Architectural Significance

This house is difficult to date as center-hall plan Capes were built from the early 18th century until the mid 19th century--this house is presently undergoing renovation and stands stripped of its clapboards. In the center of its gable roof is a large brick chimney.

Historical Significance

A building has been located on this site since at least 1830. At that time it was owned by an E. Pratt. By 1852 Perez F. Andrews, paper-mill worker lived here. Presumably Mr. Andrews worked in the paper mill further to the Southwest on Mill St. and the Town River at Pratt Town. As early as 1823 a paper mill had been founded here by Joseph Hooper. He manufactured "a superior quality of paper of all grades of finish." This was the first paper mill in the county. Later owners of this paper mill included Joshua Norton (early 1850s) and the Hollingsworth Co. (by 1857). Perez F. Andrews lived here until at least the 1870s. By the early 1900s an Edgar F. Andrews, shoemaker, lived here.

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