Fobes - Leach House
1032 Pleasant St
Architectural Style
Use Type
Single Family Dwelling House
Massachusetts Historical Commission Report
Architectural Significance
1032 Pleasant St., with its boxy, rectangular 5-bay x narrow 1-bay main block and low hip roof is unmistakably Federal in style. Its center entrance is flanked by narrow side lights and opens on to a small pedimented entrance porch. Windows are simply enframed and contain 6/6 wood sash. This house culminates in a simple boxed cornice—tall brick chimneys project from the east and west ends of the hip roof.
Historical Significance
This house was built c.1825. The 1830 map indicates that Isaac Faber, machinist and farmer owned this house. He was a sixth generation decendant of John Fobes, an original proprietor of Bridgewater. Mr. Fobes was "an intelligent genealogist and antiquarian, devoting much time in his later years to research in that direction." He was a Congregationalist and possessed "a handsome property." He died June 22, 1855. Isaac's daughter Mary Hayward Fobes married Col. Franklin Leach in 1832 and for many years lived next door in the house next to this Scotland Trinitarian church. By the 1870's this house was owned by Col. Leach's family. By the 1890's, Gustavus A. Jackson, milkman, lived here.