Fobes, Dea. John House
615-617 Pleasant St
Architectural Style
First Period, Georgian
Architecture, Exploration Settlement
Use Type
Single Family Dwelling House
Massachusetts Historical Commission Report
Architectural Significance
Built c. 1700-1720, this interesting house originally consisted of the eastern 5-bay segment with its center hall plan and center chimney. Still intact are 12/8 wood sash windows. The old segment rests on a field stone foundation. The western portion dates to the late 18th c. and is situated on a granite block foundation—the newer portion's windows contain 2/2 replacement wood sash. This enframements of the two entrances date to the c. late 19th c. construction of the newer segment. They exhibit attentuated moldings and semicircular fan light windows. The older segment's interior is said to possess raised paneled fireplace walls, feather edge sheathing in the old kitchen and in the corresponding rooms above, and original doors and hardware. In addition, paneled window shutters slide along the walls guided by a track in the chair rail and above by false beam castings.
Historical Significance
Few houses in Bridgewater are as closely linked to the town's beginnings as the Deacon John Fobes House at 615, 617 Pleasant St. The eastern segment was probably built in 1704 at the time of the Deacon John Fobes marriage to Abigail Robinson. Deacon John Fobes was the grandson of John Fobes of Aberdeen, Scotland who came to Plymouth in 1636, lived in Duxbury and permanently settled in Bridgewater as early as 1651—Deacon John's grandfather was one of the first settlers of the town and was an incorporator of the Town of Bridgewater. His father was Edward Fobes. Deacon John Fobes raised eight children in this house. The western segment's architectural elements suggest a construction date on c. 1780s. Pleasant St. was laid out from Lake Nippenicket to North St. c. 1702. (J.E. Crane map). This house remained in the Fobes family until 1832. For many years this was the home of James K. Leach, carpenter. By the early 1900s, H. Clarence Leach, farmer, owned this property.